Well, I am trying to refine my girly side - which includes wearing make-up again. The problem with that is that I tend to have ALOT more break-outs, so I researched the best facial masks/cleansers to help with this. Believe it or not, the one that stuck out at me was the Aspirin Mask. (if you are allergic to Aspirin DO NOT USE THIS!)
WHAT?? Don't look at me like that - it makes complete sense once you know the properties of Aspirin.
Aspirin is made out of salicylic acid also known as Beta Hydroxy Acid, BHA for short. BHA is an exfoliant & has anti-inflammatory properties. If you check out many of the acne care products on the market, you will see that they include BHA labeled as salicylic acid.
I am sharing what I have used - feel free to research & find a recipe that works for you!
2 or 3 UNCOATED aspirin tablets
1 tsp of water
Honey (anti-bacterial)
First I crushed the aspirin tablets just a little bit to help speed up the dissolving.
I put the crushed aspirin in a shot glass & added just a little bit of lukewarm water.
Add a little honey ( I did a couple squirts, or maybe a tsp)
Mix this all up and viola, you have a mask/scrub. (It is a little messy, so I do this before showering. By doing this it allows me to get up to the hairline also since I don't have to worry about messing up the hair *ha so funny if you know me*)
Gently rub the mixture onto your skin in circular motions, avoiding the eye area.
Keep rubbing gently as a scrub
Leave on for 10 - 15 minutes as a mask. (this will not get tight like normal masks!)
Rinse off with lukewarm water - if you used this as a mask, use gentle circular motions again to gently scrub off.
Follow with a non-alcohol toner & a high SPF moisturizer!
There you have it - cheap & effective, just like me :o)
xo MJ