Friday, March 18, 2011


I actually forgot how to get to here!

Where you ask ...

Well here, blogger.  I had the brilliant idea that I would share my current obsession ... you know me I am like a fart in a tea kettle and can't settle on one thing for too long :)

SO I had a few minutes of quiet and I thought what the hay, I'll do a post.  I sat down at the computer, fingers poised above the keyboard - yet they didn't move LOL.  In my head I was thinking, I think it's blogger, but wait no that doesn't sound right.

How did I get here then you may wonder.

I, ummm, went to a friend's blog and hit the little button at the top *blush*  yep that's how I did it. Once I saw that it WAS blogger dot com I was all Homer like

What is new with me???

I got me a new tattoo, and I have a feeling when I go back for a touch up I will be having him add two more littler ones underneath of the one he just did.

Work is CRAZY busy.  I am responsible for surgeries and cardiac caths now - I had a co-worker say to me the other day "MJ, I would put my foot down and tell them to do it themselves."  My response, "No way, I would like to keep my job thankyouverymuch!!!"

Goose is amazing.  We still have emotional meltdowns (which probably would be better if I would remember to make her take the fish oil - oops).  However, her teacher this year has been a blessing in disguise.  Mrs L has challenged Goose intellectually (sp?) which has helped SO much.  Mrs L has also caught on that altho the kids have been accused of being the bully, she is the one being bullied!  *RELIEF*

Ducky is talking up a storm.  I mean to the point some nights I look at her and ask her to shut it.  I know,I know how mean!  But really, do you know what it is like to crave just a little bit of silence in the night!??!  I am blessed tho, with both girls.

OH.  I, a grown woman of 33 yrs, can NOT wait until it is county fair time.  Yep, I admitted it.  BUT it's because I am looking forward to a night with friends, rocking it to SEETHER!!!!!!  and Finger Eleven!!!! and Black Stone Cherry!  YIPPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011


Seeing how it is the new year, I wanted to tackle a huge topic - REGRETS.  I had a post plotted in my head when I opened my email this morning at work and found the following. 
People who cover over their sins will not prosper. But if they confess and forsake them, they will receive mercy” Proverbs 28:13 (NLT).

How often do you play the “if only” game?

• If only I had it to do over.

• If only I had listened sooner.

• If only I could erase the past.

• If only I could forgive myself.

Because no one is perfect, we all have regrets. We’ve all made bad choices, said foolish things, wasted time, and hurt ourselves and others.

How do you release those regrets?

Here are some strategies that don’t work:

1. We bury them. Burying the past doesn’t work. Like creatures from a horror movie, unresolved regrets come back to haunt us over and over. Minimizing (“It wasn’t a big deal”), rationalizing (“Everyone does it”), and compromising (lowering your standards) are ways we try to bury our regrets.

2. We blame others. This tactic is as old as Adam and Eve. When Adam sinned, he took it like a man – he blamed his wife! We use blame to balance out our guilt.

3. We beat ourselves. We try to pay for our guilt unconsciously through illness, depression, setting ourselves up for failure, and other forms of self-punishment. The problem with beating up on yourself is this: your conscience never knows when to stop! Many spend their entire lives in self-condemnation.

What does God want me to do with my regrets?

• Admit my guilt. Own up to it. Don’t make excuses. The Bible says, “People who cover over their sins will not prosper. But if they confess and forsake them, they will receive mercy” (Proverbs 28:13 NLT).

• Accept Christ’s forgiveness. He’s waiting to clean your slate. Ask him to clear your conscience, and then remember “there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1 NLT).

• Forgive yourself and focus on the future. “Do not remember the past events, pay no attention to things of old. Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18-19 HCSB).

Questions: Are there things from your past that you need to let go of? That you need to hand over to God? Try the steps given above for getting over your regrets.

Author Rick Warren