Saturday, November 28, 2009

Now Comes The Night

I just finished downloading several Rob Thomas songs and ran across this one - how had I never heard it before???  Love it!

Oh and I downloaded some One Less Reason thanks to HeatherLynn's suggestion - she sent me to listen to A Day to be Alone and I found a new favorite band!  Thanks girl :o)  If you have not checked her out yet, you must.  She is WONDERFUL (shush, you really are) and I am hoping that it will work out for her to take our family Christmas picture this year (she is uber talented at photography - shush again, you are)
One Less Reason - September (It is so hard to pick just one song of theirs to share)


HeatherLynn said...

MJ ~ Wow, Well, I don't take compliments all that well...but just let me say THANK YOU, you didn't have to do that! But you are such a know that. In your time of grief and sadness, you still think of others...they save special places in heaven for people like you....and it's good to know you'll be up there looking down on my redheaded butt...all the way the more humid southern part of eternity. ;)

I kid, I kid....

Glad to see you liked the song, I've been listening to it...and OMG, singing it at the top of my lungs for days sister is here visiting from Dayton for the holiday weekend, I think she secretly is wishing I'd go hoarse and lose my voice! poor thing.

I put some new music up on my page too so you can check out some other things if you are interested! Ok?

I know its a rough time right now...but I'm a keystroke away if you need anything.


Holly Lefevre said...

Love this song.
