Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Confessional Take 3

Fridays around here mean two things, I get to post a Faithful Friday Bit and I also start a Friday Confessional.


First confession of this post - I wonder if people really enjoy this!?

We are on take 3 of this confessional and response was eh, lukewarm. Of course this could be because of the awesome BLerapy Day that was started.

If you like the idea of the confessional, please play along. If you have any suggestions, PLEASE let me know. I am all about constructive criticism!

A housekeeping item:
1. Confessions must NOT contain anything ILLEGAL (ie: murder)


Create a post on your site displaying the lovely Friday Confession Cartoon, link back to here, and leave a comment with your info. *I'm doing away with Mr Linky until there is more of a request for* (If anyone would like use of Mr Linky - I would be willing to share so you can create your own - I splurged and bought the silver membership -$5 - which was paid for by taking a survey - woot woot)


Post your confession in my comments - whether you are signed into your account or as anon. It would be great if you did this route, if you could at least put the fun Friday Confession Cartoon on your site saying you posted a confession over here.

Easy as making a poor innocent child pee his pants on Halloween?!


I confess that -

* I have a stack of stats to put in at work - and I don't want to

* I really dislike dragging the girls around for Trick-or-Treat

* I should be cleaning as I am creating this post

* I haven't lost any more weight because of my friends Mt Dew and Sweet Tea

* I shouldn't but I am going to buy some kick ass boots and jeans for the Buckeye Bash



Life Laugh Latte said...

I confess that I am spending so much time blogging, and cramming everything else into my life on top of it. Makes my life feel a bit cramped. I'm sure I have so much more to confess, but I'm so sleepy...I have to go to bed. Goodnight MJ. Holly at

Tracie said...

I'm spending too much time blogging.
My husband is bugging the crap out of me.
I hate my new phone and it doesn't get any reception.
I want to quit my job so I have more time for everything else.

jodikris said...

I miss Mr. Linky!!!!!!!! I did my confessions on my blog!!!

Lee said...

I have a butt ache from sitting in front of the computer!

Anonymous said...

I confess that
1. My house is a wreck! Because I cant stop blogging and playing on FB.
2. I pigged out on pancakes, bacon, and full sugar syrup for dinner last night.
3. I should be exercising right now!

Holly Lefevre said...

I confess I have been a "bad" mommy. I have been too distracted by the computer (blogging), work, sickness, and housework. My daughter now sings "On Demand" and "Sprout, Please!" at will. Worse yet she likes Calliou...I thought Barney was bad, but I like purple dinosaurs better than whiny 4-year-olds. My hubby is also none to happy about this. I may have to see if I can voluntarily take a break this weekend (the last few days were not voluntary...I would never pick puke over a computer!).
Holly @ 504 Main

Jacquie said...

I have my confessions Posted on my blog!! Also I would love the Mr. Linky code!!!